Wilfred Peterson

“Love is the dove of peace, the spirit of brotherhood, it is tenderness and compassion, forgiveness and tolerance”

Pablo Neruda

I say love, and the world populates itself with doves."

Paul Laurence Dunbar

"A song fluttered down in the form of a dove, and it bore me a message, the one word - Love!"

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"And there my little doves did sit, with feathers softly brown, and glittering eyes that showed their right, to general Nature's deep delight."

George Herbert

"Listen, sweet Dove, unto my song, And spread thy golden wings in me; Hatching my tender heart so long, Till it gets wings, and flies away with thee."

Matshona Dhliwayo

“A dove struggling in a storm grows stronger than an eagle soaring in the sunshine.”

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